
Monday, September 17, 2007

A carbon tax would be good; cap and trade much better

We could tax each ton of carbon emissions, and that would create incentive to reduce emissions, would encourage conservation and efficiency. But a couple of characteristics of the challenge make a cap-and-trade system a much better policy choice. One is that each unit of carbon emissions has an equal impact no matter where or how it is created. The other is that each emission reduction is not created equally with regard to how much it costs. Wait, though, I just found out that Chris Dodd's energy plan incorporates both. He supports the Sanders-Boxer cap and trade system, with some of the credits auctioned off, plus a Corporate Carbon Tax. Proceeds from the auction and tax would go to a Corporate Carbon Tax Trust fund that will be used to fast-track renewables and energy-efficient products. Please see his plan here. By the way, this isn't yet an endorsement of Chris Dodd; rather, it is part of my research.

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